Good Pride - Bad Pride
Alright. Is everyone ready to do what we did in my college sunday school class with Dwight Beadle? It was probably the most interesting and fun sunday school class I've ever been in.
Here's what we'd do... He'd split everyone up into groups and then give each group a different question on a similar topic and then ask our group to come up with an answer. Now the questions weren't simple, like "How many times did Peter deny Jesus?" but were questions like, "Can you give evidence of the trinity?" or "What does it mean to be 'in' the world, but not 'of' the world?" And here's where it got even more fun and difficult... All of our answers and claims had to be backed up by Scripture. Which might sound easy at first, but isn't always.
So here's the question I want to throw at all of my blog readers. It's one we wrestled with last night in my Anchor Group (small group). Here's the question...
What's the difference between good pride and bad pride?
It was a fascinateing discussion we had last night and I'm curious of other people's point of view and input.
Here's what we'd do... He'd split everyone up into groups and then give each group a different question on a similar topic and then ask our group to come up with an answer. Now the questions weren't simple, like "How many times did Peter deny Jesus?" but were questions like, "Can you give evidence of the trinity?" or "What does it mean to be 'in' the world, but not 'of' the world?" And here's where it got even more fun and difficult... All of our answers and claims had to be backed up by Scripture. Which might sound easy at first, but isn't always.
So here's the question I want to throw at all of my blog readers. It's one we wrestled with last night in my Anchor Group (small group). Here's the question...
What's the difference between good pride and bad pride?
It was a fascinateing discussion we had last night and I'm curious of other people's point of view and input.
bad pride is where "I" is in the center and you think you are the source and center of all things. i think it was the first sin ever and done by the devil.
good pride or better a healthy self image is not bad for you but helps you be confident which we need. we can take good pride when we work totally hard and accomplish nice grades or a good project.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:22 PM
I did a little research on pride right before Katrina. Here are some things I discovered.
1) Pride is defined in several ways. The Bible (especially Proverbs condemns “Pride.” But shouldn’t we be “Proud” of our faith? Is it wrong to be proud about anything?
2) Webster says that there is pride and secondary pride. Secondary pride is like pride in your family heritage, football team etc.
3) Pride does not have to be spoken to be pride. I mentioned it to Sean last year and he quoted the Pharises and Jesus calling them out, knowing what they were thinking. Even if I tell myself to be humble, and I even act humble, I can still be prideful.
4) Thomas Aquinas (Catholic philosopher and theologian who developed modern catholic philospy) said that Pride is the source of all sins. In this definition Pride is excessive desire for one's own excellence which rejects subjection to God. In other words, it’s thinking of yourself out of proportion with what God thinks of you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:04 AM
I like your comments.
"Pride is excessive desire for one's own excellence which rejects subjection to God"
Here's a question though... So I'm the media pastor at East Bayou, and I apply the type of pride I just quoted from you in my work as media pastor, and the church benefits from it greatly, was it a bad pride?
That's where the line gets blurry for me. I think I understand the difference between good pride and bad pride. I most simply break it down to, who's the pride about? If it's in the end about Christ, then it's good. If it's in the end about me, then it's bad.
But then there are scenarios where bad pride can have good kingdom effects. i.e., Philippians 1:15-18 when Paul talked about people sharing the gospel for the sole reason of making themselves look good. Then Paul says (and I paraphrase) "I don't care WHY they share they gospel, but as long as the gospel is shared."
And I think the answer to my own question of, "how can it be bad pride and still be used for good?" is answered in Romans 8:28 and throughout the bible.
God is the best at taking what should have been bad and turning it into something that is now good. That's a quick way to describe who God is and what He's about. He's about renewing people!
Posted by
Sean Walker |
12:04 PM
whatever it is you mean you do in media, pride in your work means you do it with excellence and you do it for His glory, not to make YOU look good. bad pride is if you thought all that good work that goes on and if the product looks good- IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU. Yeah, this media stuff was crappy before i did it. i have made the difference. that attitude brings a reflection on you and makes it about you. dig the diff? do you think Jesus did His stuff half way? should media be half way? full throtle for excellence & the product is for Him
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:40 PM
I see some really good comments here. When I think about this, I come to a similar conclusion, but I conclude more there is NO sure thing as "good" pride. Let me explain. Webster defines pride as:
PRIDE - 1 : the quality or state of being proud: as a : inordinate self-esteem : CONCEIT b : a reasonable or justifiable self-respect c : delight or elation arising from some act, possession, or relationship (parental pride)
While pride does not have to be self reflected, our society typically thinks about pride as self focused. You might even say that you always find "I" in pride. With this in mind, I do not believe when we focus on being proud of ourselves that is good.
Now when it comes to service, like your media ministry, it is good to work hard and dedicate yourself fully to God, but if we have pride in our work for God, then it is focusing on ourselves and not Him. I also think that if we try to do things on our own, God will teach us humility. Many times, we may be in "awe" of what He did through us, but we must remember that ALL good things comes from Him.
So, when I think of pride, I think of an inward focus and therefore not a good thing. This is probably just a difference in definition of the word, but hopefully this makes since.
Posted by
Heath Hudspeth |
1:47 AM
I went down the same road with you Heath as far as thinking that no pride can be good. But then I read this verse...
Galatians 6:4-5 (NIV) - "Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load."
Posted by
Sean Walker |
11:28 AM