One Thing
Tim Walker led the college bible study this morning. Here was one of the questions he asked, "If you could tell your kids one thing, what would it be?"
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Labels: Family, Generations
My answer was, "Don't make your life about yourself. Make it about others. And be compassionate. Sincerely compassionate for other people."
That's 2 things actually, but whatcha gonna do about it!? :)
Posted by
Sean Walker |
3:18 PM
I have a question Sean. How do you help people and be compassionate to people who don't want your help and make sure you are aware of it? The people who need our help the most seem to be the people who push us away the most :-(
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:25 PM
That's a tough question. Very tough. I know of a couple of situations like that in my life.
I make sure that that person knows my love and compassion is available 24/7 and under ANY condition. That's all I can do, is keep it available for the chance that their heart does change.
You're right, most of the people who need it the most seem to be the people who push us away the most. It seems to me that those people keep us out b/c our presence or compassion is something they can't handle or don't want to deal with. It makes them too uncomfortable. I don't smother them with my compassion but I make it very clear that it is available 2am or 2pm. Some people come back to receive it and others never do unfortunately.
Posted by
Sean Walker |
6:37 PM
Thanks Sean. You give good answers. I will keep that in mind and just keep praying. My sister told me something she heard at church that was very comforting. She said that God doesn't always deny, sometimes he just delays.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:19 PM
"Never quit."
Posted by
8:23 PM
"i love you"
Posted by
scott |
7:25 AM
God is faithful.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:39 PM
Love always wins.
Posted by
vo |
1:51 PM